On Friday 3 June 2022, Ely Markets hosted a special Platinum Jubilee Market Celebration. The whole community gathered for a day of fun in market place. Here are some of our favourite moments…

Hocus Pocus Clowns at Ely Market for the Platinum Jubilee
Clowns from the Hocus Pocus Theatre Company
Ely Markets Platinum Jubilee Celebration
Ely Markets Platinum Jubilee Celebration
Re-Imagine Re-source Centre
Re-imagine Resource Centre’s wonderful Mad Hatters children’s craft stall.
Dancers on Ely Market Place
4th Dimension dancers performing in the market place
market shopper with Ely Market Jubilee tote bag
Some lucky visitors received a free Ely Markets limited edition Jubilee tote bag
Stumpy Oak at Ely Market
Stumpy Oak ceilidh band performing at Ely Market’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration
Dancers on Ely Market Place
Our visitors joining in with the ceilidh

Ceilidh at Ely Market

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