Ely Markets to reopen on 11 June 2020

[baque_heading style=”style4″ text_align=”align-center” title=”Our markets will reopen on Thursdays and Saturdays from 11 June. Initially, these markets will include a smaller number of stalls than usual selling fruit, vegetables, eggs, cheese, bread, meat, fish and plants.” baque_custom_id=”baque_custom_663cd22565010″]

There will be social distancing and safety measures in place to help ensure the wellbeing of traders, staff and members of the public. The Sunday Market and mini-Markets will remain closed for now and other stalls, such as crafts, antiques and street food will return at a later date.

This first phase means we can bring back some of your favourite traders, whilst helping to keep everyone safe with social distancing and other safety measures.

The first markets will take place on Thursday 11 June and Saturday 13 June, from 8.30am-3.30pm, on the main Market Place and Dolphin Lane. Shoppers can expect to see a good selection of food, produce and plants. Each stall will provide clear signage and defined areas for socially-distanced queueing. Contactless payment systems will be in place where possible.

We’re going to need your help to make this work as smoothly as possible. You should expect to see some barriers in place, and you need to ensure you follow sensible social distancing guidelines. Please don’t expect to stop for a chat with our traders or your friends. You can do that in the future. For now, we need you to leave the Market Place as soon as you have completed your shopping.

At first, these smaller markets will only take place on Thursdays and Saturdays. Other stalls, such as crafts, antiques and street food will return to Ely Markets at a later date.

We have chosen to reopen in stages, rather than allowing everyone to return at once. We have a duty of care to our traders and customers. We cannot rush this process. A phased re-opening allows us all to make sensible plans, adjust to the new conditions and, most importantly, keep everyone as safe as possible.

[baque_heading style=”style4″ text_align=”align-center” title=”Ely Markets will reopen on Thursday 11 June 2020 from 8.30am-3.30pm. More information on traders attending and social distancing will be posted on our social media and website over the coming weeks. Please follow @elymarkets for more information.” baque_custom_id=”baque_custom_663cd22565021″]